Half-Earth: Our Planet’s Fight for Life

Written by Edward O. Wilson


OPL BOOK SUMMARY:  Wilson’s solution to avoid the sixth extinction is to increase the area of inviolable natural reserves to half the surface of the Earth or greater.”  When initially published in 2016, his book seemed audacious – but is it?

For years, we’ve known the relationship between the size of Earth’s habitat area and the number of species living there are inextricably linked. And yet, as people settle around the world and demand more of Earth’s resources, we continue to damage habitats in our wake.

Wilson shares a striking truth with us: If we remove 90% of a given habitat area, we will reduce the number of species persisting there by half. If another 1% of the remaining habitat is removed, the remaining species will collapse and disappear. Unfortunately, many habitats around the world are on a trajectory of destruction due to humanity’s demands.

Today, many species around the globe are struggling to survive, but we are slowly making progress to try and protect existing habitats. As the time of its publication in 2016, Wilson stated that habitats protected by governments and agencies account for 15% of Earth’s land area.  Since that time, protected lands have increased a little each year.  We have made some progress, but now is the time to accelerate our efforts and save our living planet.

Wilson is one of the world’s greatest naturalists and a double Pulitzer prize winner. The endeavor Wilson challenges us to pursue in Half-Earth is doable.  We just need to have the strength of character to make it happen.

Explore this lovely, informative book yourself.  Once you understand our living planet at a deeper level, you can begin living more sustainably with love and respect for our planet.

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