The Little Book of Kindness: Everyday Actions to Change Your Life and the World Around You

Written by Bernadette Russell

OPL BOOK SUMMARY:  It is time for all of us to have a kindness epiphany!  One day Bernadette decided to go on a year-long journey of kindness.  She had been overwhelmed by the troubles of the world.  She pondered the big problems such as the environment, wars, famine, and little problems.  It seemed there was nothing she could do to make a difference. Then by chance, she changed her life.

Let us share this moment in her own words: “I was in the queue at our local post office. In front of me in the queue was a young man. He got to the counter and I overheard him say he’d forgotten his money, and that he’d been hoping to post his driving license application. So, without thinking, I said, ‘I’ll pay for it.’ It cost me a bit of loose change for a stamp, no big deal. He said, ‘Thanks very much’ and went on his way. I thought about what had just happened. I thought maybe what I had done was cheered him up a bit. I realized it definitely cheered me up because I had very easily been able to make a tiny difference to another person.” This is when Bernadette decided to do a kind thing for a stranger every day for a year! 

The Little Book of Kindness is inspiring and chock full of kindness ideas. She completed her feat of kindness acts for a year. It changed her for the better and made a difference to others.  Explore her chapters in order or dive into one that intrigues you.  Some of the chapters are: be kind to yourself, be kind to strangers, be kind to those you love, be kind to the environment, be kind online, and so on. We agree with Bernadette that being kind makes you happier and healthier. Enjoy! 

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