We invite you to take a virtual trip around the world to learn about the fascinating biodiversity on our planet. Did you know that there are over 10 million plant and animal species that share our Earth? Each plays a unique role in nature’s design. Bees and bats pollinate trees and plants, predators control prey, and trees control flooding and moderate our climate. 

What is biodiversity?

Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is the variety of life on Earth, its evolution, its complex interrelationships, and their resulting self balancing ecosystems. 

No one animal or plant exists in isolation, including humans.  Nature has the wonderful ability to regenerate itself, but unfortunately, humans are interrupting this cycle of life.  It is up to us to make thoughtful and impactful changes to ensure the world’s glorious biodiversity is supported and protected.
Take this biodiversity trip solo or with your family — it’s fun and free!
Explore videos, photos, and interesting facts with our interactive map and learn about some of the unique species that inhabit our planet. From the Kangaroo Rat that can only be found in the sandhills of Santa Cruz to the Wood’s Cycad in California, an old order of tree that has existed on Earth for over 280 million years.  There’s so much wonder to behold!

Feeling inspired to make a difference? Consider a gift to the World Wildlife Fund, an organization that protects populations of some of the world’s most ecologically, economically, and culturally important species.

©One Planet Life, LLC 2020

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One Planet Life Insights draw from a vast array of data gathered from the most reputable sources in the world.  We curate and compile this rich information into interactive, easy-to-navigate insight maps to help you better understand your community and the world around us.