You can find great deals at a consignment sale. Score a veritable win for your wallet and the planet!
I am a major outdoor enthusiast and am always looking for good deals on outdoor gear. This weekend, I visited a local outdoor consignment pop-up and had so much fun hunting for gently used gear. I look forward to these events. They allow me to get the outdoor equipment and clothing I need at a fraction of the cost – with zero carbon impact.
Sometimes in my searches, I come across an item that is the perfect gift for a friend or loved one. Occasionally I’m hunting for something specific, but other times it’s the gear that finds me. In some cases, I discover an item I didn’t know existed. Purchasing it on consignment gives me the opportunity to chat with the previous owner. I can easily learn more about how it works and whether it will benefit me in my own adventures.
Every consignment sale is different, which is half the fun.
Below are a few of my recent finds that I’m excited to grant a second life:
Sometimes my finds are the start of a new project.
I knitted this blanket using yarn I had thrifted over the years.
The possibilities are endless, economical, and planet-friendly at consignment stores near you. What will you find at your local sale? Share your finds with the OPL community today!
Read more on the topic of upcycling. Checkout these blogs:

Written by Yvonne Dwyer
Master Naturalist and OPL Content Contributor
“It is truly an honor for me to be a contributor to One Planet Life. By sharing my experiences and lifetime of learning, I hope to inspire conservation, sustainability, stewardship, and awareness of enjoying the natural wonders of the world for the wellbeing of people and the planet.”