Every sustainable action you take matters—and now, you can see the full impact of your efforts more clearly than ever. With our latest app updates, tracking your progress is easier and more rewarding. See how your Joyful Changes are stacking up, especially those actions that deliver impact beyond a reduction of CO2. Our new Impact Points system captures a more complete picture of your sustainable lifestyle, including actions that improve air quality, support biodiversity and nature, and reduce food waste, to name a few. You’ll also earn badges for milestones like completing journeys, reducing one metric ton of CO2, tackling challenges, and more. These updates are designed to celebrate your commitment and keep you motivated on your sustainability journey!

Discover what’s new on the One Planet Life app today!


Introducing…Impact Points and Our Brand New Impact Tab

2025 App Updates Impact Tab Impact Points

The One Planet Life community creates inspiring collective change through action.  Our newly created Impact tab makes it even easier to see how those small changes add up.  The Impact tab replaces the Explore tab on the One Planet Life app, and allows users to see the total impact of all their Joyful Change activity, both for the OPL community as well as their personal network.  

Our points structure has been revamped to better capture a more complete picture of your sustainable activity impact.  These new Impact Points calculations, formerly known as Planet Points, are a way to measure sustainable actions that may not pertain to CO2 reduction.  There are seven impact points areas: Air, Biodiversity & Nature, Energy, Food & Agriculture, Social & Nature Connections, Waste, and Water.

The Impact tab captures both total CO2 reduction and total Impact Points for all actions without a CO2 savings.  Customize your view by selecting which of the seven impact areas you’d like to see.  These impact areas also correspond to the Impact Points mentioned above.  Discover how your network’s impact compares to that of the OPL community.

New Widgets and Badges on the Activity Tab

Our new widgets and badges make it easier to personalize your sustainability experience. The new Activity tab, formerly called the Life Center, makes it easy to see your journey and challenge progress, as well as your contributions to community-specific goals. We also added widgets that detail your progress towards Community Goals and badges.

If you swipe left on the top section of the Activity tab, you’ll discover four new badge sets you can earn based on your Joyful Change tracking.  

The four badge sets are: 

    • Challenges
    • CO2 reduction
    • Tier badges
    • Journey badges  
2025 App Updates Widgets Badges

You can earn specific badges for completing challenges, reducing CO2 emissions, or completing a journey. Tier badges designate your level of sustainable accomplishments, combining both CO2 reduction and Impact Points on the app: grow from a sprout to a sapling, from a tree to a forest!


2025 App Updates Challenges

Enhancements to the Challenges Tab 

We’ve improved the way you can participate in Challenges. Our Challenges are designed to help you elevate your impact. In addition to shorter weeks- or month-long challenges, we will also be debuting new Community Goals.  Community Goals are longer term, loftier goals that are automatically tracked across the entire OPL community.  Any Joyful Change actions you complete that are applicable to the Community Goal will be included in the challenge stats.

This shift towards Community Goals will allow us to make concerted efforts towards specific impact areas as a whole OPL community.  Some examples of future challenges may include: save a specific amount of CO2 emissions, winter energy savings, plant 10,000 trees, eat 1,000 vegetarian meals, and more!

Update Your App Today and Discover What’s New!

If you do not have automatic updates enabled on your device, you will need to visit the Apple or Google Play Store to access all of our latest features.  Once you update the app, you will see your previous Planet Points have been converted to Impact Points, and can explore where you are making the most impact. 

Experience our new app features firsthand by logging into the app today!  Customize your widgets and impact areas, and discover what’s new on the Impact tab.  Then check out the Challenge tab to see what goals you can work towards in 2025 with the rest of the OPL community.  As always, thank you for your dedication to a sustainable lifestyle.