Add another “R”-action to your sustainability journey. Refill containers instead of purchasing new ones!
Buying package-free products and using your own containers is an impactful way to reduce your carbon footprint and minimize the amount of plastic and containers you send to the landfill. Retailers who sell bulk, package-free products are often referred to as “refilleries.” OPL Master Naturalist Yvonne Dwyer shares her recent experience at a refillery near her home.
While watching the Pittsburgh nightly news one evening, a local commercial came on for a small woman-owned business called The Refillery. The ad promoted a store where customers can purchase personal care and home products (think: shampoo, cleaners, and detergents) by refilling customer-supplied plastic and glass containers. Intrigued by the idea of refilling, I decided to visit!
Upon arriving at this eco-friendly brick-and-mortar in Squirrel Hill, I was immediately greeted by a friendly employee. She enthusiastically showed me around and explained how the whole process at The Refillery works.
Here is how the refilling process works:
- Customers bring clean, empty containers from home. They can also purchase glass bottles and jars from the Refillery if needed.
- Empty jars and bottles are weighed before they are filled.
- The container is then filled, and weighed again. The weight of the container is deducted from the final weight, so the customer only pays for the product within. Most products are paid by the ounce.
One of the benefits of stores like The Refillery is that customers can purchase only what they need. There’s no need to fill the jar completely if they don’t want to, since they are paying by the weight, not by the size of the jar.
Prices are very reasonable. You pay by weight, but your containers are weighed empty first and deducted from the total.
With my mason jars in hand, I purchased laundry detergent, an all-purpose cleaner, and a lemon sugar scrub. All the products are made locally with clean ingredients using the least amount of chemicals and preservatives. I was also surprised to find eco-friendly products in stock that I am familiar with and love: Kaylaan toothpaste tablets and Hibar solid shampoo/conditioner.
Start refilling today! You’ll help the planet by reducing plastic usage and also save money!
I was fortunate enough to meet the founder and owner of The Refillery, Lorissa Russo. We had a great conversation regarding her zero-waste startup and the products available. She shared her mission and passion for reducing single-use plastic and packaging with locally, ethically, and sustainably-made affordable products.
Lorissa was an engineer when COVID-19 forced the world into quarantine. While at home, she learned about refilleries in Europe and other areas of the United States through TikTok videos. The more she thought about reducing plastic packaging and climate change, the more she knew she needed to take a personal stand. She resigned from her engineering position and created The Refillery to make a difference in her community.

Find a refill store near you.
Visit the United States Refill Store Directory
Learn more about what your containers can do for you! Check out our article about upcycling and how you can turn trash into treasure.

Written by Yvonne Dwyer
Master Naturalist and OPL Content Contributor
“It is truly an honor for me to be a contributor to One Planet Life. By sharing my experiences and lifetime of learning, I hope to inspire conservation, sustainability, stewardship, and awareness of enjoying the natural wonders of the world for the wellbeing of people and the planet.”