All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis

Edited by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson & Katharine K. Wilkinson

OPL BOOK SUMMARY:  All We Can Save is an anthology of essays and poems about our climate crisis by over 50 North American female thought leaders.  They come from all generations, backgrounds, and focuses including activists, scientists, artists, and more.  Their voices are powerful individually.  When combined, they shine a beacon on the climate crisis, our role, and how we can change our current trajectory.

Like an orchestra, each instrument plays and together they create beautiful music.  This book is also an orchestra of voices and expands our view of our living planet and the beginnings of a different language.  We understand that it is less of a battle and more of an awakening and healing.  It is more about how we live – how we care for everything on our living planet.  You will read phrases like “climate citizenship” as a way forward.  You will read wise, passionate essays and linger over poetry that brings beauty and love into the dialogue.

Let us share this sample from the book (page 128) by Elizabeth Yeampierre, an internationally recognized Puerto Rican attorney and environmental and climate justice leader.  She is currently Executive Director of UPROSE, Brooklyn’s oldest Latino community-based organization, and the co-chair of the Climate Justice Alliance:

“Leadership means there is enough room for all of us.  Seeing everyone roll in together is much more powerful than having one or two people speak of everyone.  Being intergenerationally leaderful also generates the best ideas and solutions.  We need to do this tougher, and we can do it lovingly.”

Thank you to Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katharine K. Wilkinson for bringing this collection to the world.

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