The Hour of Land: A Personal Topography of America’s National Parks

Written by Terry Tempest Williams

OPL BOOK SUMMARY:  Our need for nature is enduring. Wild places deserve our awe, respect, and protection. Take a trip with Terry –  with humility, with a deep recognition of all that you do not know – and celebrate 12 national parks. Terry shares her insights on how nature can help us change from a narrative of independence to interdependence. As a world, as nations and people, we are at a crossroads –  and moving forward in an interconnected way is the only way. Connectedness is in full display in natural places like our national parks.

“Restoration is what is required today.”  Terry pleads forcefully on behalf of the natural world. She inspires us to explore the national parks. Absorb the sights, sounds, and feel of the natural world.  Respect what is interconnected in ways we don’t fully understand. Protect nature.  Now is the hour of the land.

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