Years ago, I found that the best way for me to drink more water was to infuse it with nature’s bounty.  Simply adding delicious flavors directly from my garden made drinking water a low-calorie, hydrating, inexpensive treat.

As a naturalist, I am very aware of how important it is to drink an ample amount of water each day. Our bodies need water to function correctly. Every morning, I start my day by drinking two 8-ounce glasses of water. But, here’s my problem:  I do not like the taste of water. I know that water is supposed to be tasteless.  However, when I turn on the tap, I can smell the chlorine used to purify it and it’s off-putting. I have a Brita filter, which helps, but I found a more delicious solution: infused water.  It tastes great and makes me happy.

I love the taste of fresh herbs, fruit, berries, and, sometimes, vegetables in my infused water. It’s like I have a wide variety of spa water at my fingertips.  

There are many reasons to love this delicious, refreshing treat:

  • It is economical.
  • It takes very little time to prepare.
  • It includes no sugar additives.
  • It is creative! – you can make a variety of flavors.
Wouldn’t it be fun to create a spa water bar for your summer picnics and barbecues?

Nature infused water is a great way to stay hydrated and offers something special and healthy for your guests.

I found experimenting with whatever is growing in my garden to be the most delicious. Removing citrus rinds before adding them to the water will reduce any of the bitterness.  Try replacing filtered water in a recipe with carbonated water for a bubbly treat.

Try three of my favorite blends here.  If you create your own recipe, share it with the One Planet Life community on our app.  We’d love to hear from you!

OPL Naturalist Yvonne Dwyer

This experience was shared by OPL Naturalist Yvonne Dwyer.

Learn more about Yvonne.