I was recently invited to an amazing Indian dinner by a friend and fellow conservation volunteer at Hollow Oak Land Trust, located in southwestern Pennsylvania.  The dinner ended with a delectable dessert: mango ice cream. Mangoes are a beautifully vibrant orange, rich in beta carotene, vitamins A, C, minerals, and fiber.   

The mango puree used in this recipe is blended with very few ingredients, creating a delicious and refreshing dessert.  Enjoy this easy, creamy, smooth treat as summer’s warm temperatures continue to rise.  

Inspired by my friend Mona


  • 1 can of evaporated milk
  • 1 can of sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 8 oz carton of heavy cream
  • 3/4 cup of mango pulp* (can add more mango puree to taste)


  1. In a blender, blend all of the ingredients until smooth and creamy. 
  2. Pour into small paper cups and freeze for 6 hours or more.
  3. Serve in the paper cup.  For a fancier presentation, tear the paper cup away from the ice cream and place in a bowl.  Then garnish with fresh mangoes and mint. 


  • Instead of using disposable paper cups, I used an 8×8 baking pan and froze the mango custard in it overnight. If using this method, I recommend warming your metal ice cream scoop under hot water before scooping the iced custard.  Your wrists will thank you!
  • Mango pulp can be found in Indian stores or online.   
Chef Yvonne Dwyer

Recipe compliments of OPL Master Naturalist and Home Chef Yvonne Dwyer

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