Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming

Edited by Paul Hawken

OPL BOOK SUMMARY:  This book proposes solutions to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. As Paul Hawken describes, “if you are traveling down the wrong road, you are still on the wrong road if you slow down.”  The goal that makes sense is to reverse global warming, but how?  Here is a comprehensive plan to achieve this audacious goal. Drawdown both names the target and then proceeds with how we can achieve this goal. It is both informed and hopeful. This amazing science-backed book brings the latest information across 80 solutions in a language we can all understand.

We know we are causing harm by burning fossil fuels, unsustainable manufacturing, industrialized food production, destroying forests and natural habitats, creating mountains of waste, and releasing heat-trapping CO2 beyond what our planet can absorb. At the same time, it is hard to figure out how to make a difference. Drawdown lifts us out of fear and apathy with concrete solutions for action — whether we are individuals, communities, cities, governments, or companies. Each solution has a thoughtful introduction incorporating history, science, key examples, and the most current information. The model creates a rank and impacts summary. For example, the second-highest solution is to reduce food waste. If this is done we can reduce CO2 by 70.53 gigatons! This is something that we as individuals can take action on and be an advocate for the entire food chain and reduce its waste. There are solutions across the following categories: Buildings & Cities, Energy, Food, Land Use, Materials, Transport, and Women & Girls. Combined they can reach drawdown and make our world a better place to live.

Yes, it is possible to build a climate-safe world. Read Drawdown for a path to overcome our sense that it is not possible. In addition to the book, explore the website drawdown.org for the latest information.

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