How to Cook Everything Vegetarian: Simple Meatless Recipes for Great Food

Written by Mark Bittman


OPL BOOK SUMMARY:  With straightforward, unfussy recipes, How to Cook Everything Vegetarian can make even the most reticent home chef more confident.

As a home cook, I struggled to prepare vegetarian meals.  I love vegetables but making a complete delicious meal was a challenge.  Once I had Mark Bittman’s book, that all melted away. Mark’s book has everything! If you like to entertain, Mark’s book has 76 appetizer recipes. There are recipes for salads, soups, vegetables, fruits, pasta, noodles, grains, beans, tofu and other high protein foods, dairy, bread, and desserts. The recipes are straightforward and taste fabulous.

Some of my favorites are Pizza with Tomato Sauce and Mozzarella, Pasta with Caramelized Onions, Vegetable Stock (never buy it anymore), and Hot and Sour Soup. Guided by Mark Bittman’s book,  I became a confident cook.

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