If the World Were a Village: A Book About the World’s People

Written by David J. Smith

OPL BOOK SUMMARY:  Imagine you could hold the world in your hand, see all the people, and learn about them.  With over 7.6 billion people with different customs, languages, and circumstances, it seems impossible.  How can we wrap our heads around it?  In this clever, best-selling book, If the World Were a Village, it miraculously comes into focus. The key is the author distills the world into an approachable village of 100 people.

Our 100-person village is diverse and includes 59 people from Asia, 16 people from Africa, 10 people from Europe, 9 people from South America, Central America, and the Caribbean, 5 people from Canada and the United States, and 1 person from Oceania. The village has many farm animals, with the chicken being the most predominant.  There are a whopping 2100 chickens (21 times the number of people).  Sadly 44 of the people do not have food security.  Delve into more village information on air, water, education, work, energy health, and how the village is changing.  While this is a children’s book, it has sold over 400,000 copies to the joy of children and adults alike. It’s an essential and easy read for everyone who strives to be a global citizen.

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