Sustainable Home: Practical Projects, Tips, and Advice for Maintaining a More Eco-Friendly Household

Written by Christine Liu

 OPL BOOK SUMMARY:  Christine Liu’s book is a practical guide to start your journey to more sustainable living. She explores everything in her home and delightfully shares how she made her life simpler and more sustainable.

Christine has tips on energy usage, reducing single-use plastic, re-purposing composting, and more. Christine, like us, enjoys dining out and shares five ways to make dining out more sustainable. You will note that it will take forethought and courage to change accepted social habits (such as bringing a reusable take-out container). These changes do make a big difference.

Christine’s mission is to inspire simple living that improves our lives and the planet. Well, she inspired us! Her book is a great way to get started or to give to someone else to encourage them to begin a sustainable lifestyle.

In addition to her book, Christina is a sustainable lifestyle blogger. Her website is

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