We live in a consumerism culture where we buy a lot—too much, really—and it’s having a disastrous effect on our planet. Many of the products we purchase are not made sustainably, are heavily packaged in landfill-bound plastic, or are designed to be used only a few times before being discarded. One Planet Life’s September challenge focuses on helping you build smart shopping habits by being a more conscious consumer.  We encourage you to reflect on your shopping patterns and learn how to shop smarter and more sustainably.

Your buying power makes a statement. 

Where you choose to spend your money matters. As consumers, we have the power to reward sustainable or local companies with our patronage over big box stores.  This applies to all purchases you make to support your life: from your pantry to your laundry room to your living room to your closets. Your individual choices can make a significant impact.  Make a greater impact with your hard-earned money by supporting sustainable and local brands. When we open our wallets and show our loyalty, companies listen. 

Remember, less is more. Choose quality over quantity. 

It’s not about how much you buy, but the value and longevity of what you buy that truly matters. This shift in mindset can significantly reduce your environmental impact and make you a wiser consumer.

Do you really need that article of clothing? American consumers are buying five times more clothing than they did in 1980 and only wear it 7-8 times before discarding it. While high-quality items may be more expensive, they are worth it. These items take a lower toll on the environment and outlast lower-quality, inexpensive options.  

And beware of deals that are simply too good to be true.  Especially in the fashion industry, companies offering unbelievably cheap clothing are most likely peddling low-quality items made by garment workers who are not paid fair wages. 

“The most environmentally friendly product is the one you didn’t buy.” – Joshua Becker

Joshua Becker says it best!  The item with the lowest carbon footprint is the one you already own.  Instead of rushing out to snag this week’s latest trend, see how you might be able to accessorize items from your current closet to create a look that is truly unique.

If you need to augment your closet, second-hand items are a great, environmentally friendly choice. Purchasing gently used items is guilt-free, as they have a zero carbon emissions impact, meaning they do not contribute to carbon emissions and give new life to an already-existing item.

Smarter Shopping

Shop smarter from your kitchen to your closet and make an impact today!

Challenge yourself this month with OPL’s Smarter Shopping challenge.  Take a close look at your buying patterns and learn more about the brands you are choosing.  How are the items you buy packaged?  How many miles do they travel to get to you?  Where are these products made? How does the company contribute or detract from sustainability efforts? Then, use the One Planet Life app to track your progress and measure your impact. Upon joining the challenge, you will receive a set of challenge-specific Joyful Changes added to your existing sustainability journey. This challenge is an opportunity to push yourself and make a real difference.  

Smarter Shopping

 The Smarter Shopping Challenge includes various Joyful Changes that can help you become a more informed consumer. These changes are designed to guide you toward more sustainable shopping habits.  Action items include using reusable shopping bags and avoiding packaged produce, joining your local buy nothing group, reading product labels and learning more about the companies that produce the items in your home, obtaining books secondhand or through your local library, and more!

The One Planet Life App Makes It Easy to Track Your Challenge Progress

To sign up for the Smarter Shopping Challenge, tap the “Challenges” tab at the bottom of the One Planet Life app.  Once you tap “Join Challenge,” the Life Center tab will display a set of temporary, challenge-specific Joyful Changes for you to complete.  These Joyful Changes are in addition to any existing journey-specific Joyful Changes you may have.  Challenge items are indicated by a trophy icon and will only appear in your Life Center for the month of September.

When you complete a challenge activity, mark it as complete by tapping the radio button next to the Joyful Change. Check out the Challenge leaderboard periodically throughout the month to see how participants are progressing together to make an impact. Be a conscious consumer and maximize your money!

OPLPlastic Be Gone Eco-Journey Starter Kit

Quality Products for a Better World

Looking for high-quality, reusable products to help you on your sustainability journey? Consider checking out the One Planet Life Eco-Store.  From foldable tote bags to insulated water bottles to reusable cutlery sets in handmade pouches, we have all the tools you need to live more sustainably.

Stay tuned later this month for a list of our favorite sustainable brands that are committed to a greener tomorrow!