“Thousands have lived without love — not one without water.” – W.H. Auden

This month, One Planet Life is critically examining water usage, water inequality, and the importance of conservation. Reduce your household’s water usage and join the Conserve Water Challenge today! 

Water is one of the most precious resources on our planet. Only 3% of the water on Earth is freshwater, but only 0.5% is available for human consumption. Our growing demand for freshwater is upsetting the delicate balance of our ecosystems and causing water scarcity across the globe. 

Unfortunately, the water that is available to us doesn’t get the treatment it deserves.

Agricultural runoff causes excess fertilizer to end up in rivers and oceans, the fashion industry pollutes waterways with toxic dyes, and microplastics in our drinking water are contaminating our bodies and food sources.  Globally, 1 in 9 people do not have access to clean water (that’s almost 2 billion people, including 44 million Americans). Nearly half of those without access to safe drinking water are at least 30 minutes away from the nearest water source.

In America, water demands are primarily fueled by industry (59%) and agriculture (33%), with household usage at about 8%. While it may feel like your household conservation efforts are small, they make a difference.  Plus, as a consumer, there is strength in your buying power.  When you shop, consider the hidden water costs of everyday products and choose products that take a lighter toll on our water supply.  

Join One Planet Life’s Conserve Water Challenge in the One Planet Life app and make small changes to conserve water. 

Our challenges coincide with our monthly focus and are designed to motivate you to transform small changes into lasting, sustainable habits. When you enter the challenge, you’ll receive a series of Joyful Changes added to your existing sustainability journey.  

The Conserve Water Challenge actions specifically target reducing household water usage: using a low-flow shower head, collecting rainwater for irrigation, and running the dishwasher when it’s full. The Challenge also encourages you to make other joyful changes that directly affect water quality, such as using reusable water bottles or buying gently used clothing instead of new. Your water usage and the brands you choose to support matter!

Joining Our Monthly Challenge Is Easy!

Click on the “Challenges” tab at the bottom of the One Planet Life app, then click “Join Challenge.”  Once you join the challenge, your Life Center tab will display a set of temporary, challenge-specific Joyful Changes in addition to your existing list of journey-specific Joyful Changes.  Any Joyful Changes with a trophy indicator are specific to the Conserve Water challenge and will only appear in your Life Center through the end of June.

Every time you complete an activity, mark it as complete by tapping on the radio button next to the Joyful Change. And don’t forget to check the leaderboard periodically to see the progress you and other challenge members are making.  

Love the Earth April Challenge
Individually, we may seem like drops in the ocean, but together, we can make a wave of change.  Join us in conserving water on the One Planet Life app today!