Replacing single-use, pre-filled plastic k-cups with washable, reusable pods makes a difference for your wallet and the planet.

Are you a single-cup brewing system user?  Making the switch from disposable k-cups to reusable k-cups will save you money and reduce your single-use plastic consumption. It’s an easy, joyful change you can make for the planet.

Over 40% of Americans own a single-serving beverage brewing system. It’s easy to see why: the k-cups they utilize are no-mess, no-measure, and are convenient.  Brewing single cups may seem less wasteful than making an entire pot.  But the single-use, pre-filled k-cups the single-serving machines require create far more plastic waste than drip coffee makers. Disposable k-cups are also five times more expensive than drip coffee.

Reusable k-cup pods are just as convenient with far less waste.

Don’t like the thought of using all that plastic per cup of coffee?  Unwilling to pay disposable pod prices?  Consider using reusable k-cup pods instead.  Yes, they require a couple extra steps in the morning, but the extra minute you spend is worth it for your wallet and the planet.

Instead of being limited by disposable k-cup brand varieties, you can enjoy your favorite variety for far less per cup.  Simply fill the k-cup with grounds, brew your coffee, then rinse it out and reuse.  It’s an easy way to save money, eliminate unnecessary waste in the kitchen, and make a sustainable change for the planet.

Elevate your java experience.

Make your morning brew even better by considering how ethically it’s produced.  One Planet Life has your guide to several Certified B-Corporations that are committed to fair, sustainable coffee production.  Now that’s a good cup of joe!

Larry's Coffee and k-cps