The Backyard Homestead

Edited by Carleen Madigan


OPL BOOK SUMMARY:  In 2010, The Backyard Homestead inspired me to transform a portion of my yard into a food-producing garden. Never mind that I wasn’t focused on producing all my food.  This comprehensive book guided me to a truly spectacular producing garden. There is great joy in picking fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs to make a meal.

Readers of The Backyard Homestead can learn how to start a small garden that works through the seasons with spinach, beets, lettuce, radishes, marigolds, tomatoes, and basil.  There are also informative chapters on vegetables, fruits, herbs, harvesting, canning, drying, baking bread, and more.

Today, my home now is an urban apartment, but The Backyard Homestead is an excellent source of knowledge for my container garden.

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