The second half of January is a great time to start a 15-day sustainability kickstart challenge now that the holidays are over and we are focused on the year ahead. 


Consider our Sustainability Kickstart Challenge a warmup to a year of joyful changes that benefit you and the planet. Lowering your impact on the planet isn’t difficult once you set your mind to it and begin to take daily action. Sometimes, the most challenging part is knowing what actions make the most difference and which of those actions are manageable within your lifestyle. That’s where we come in!

We have created a fun and accessible challenge for you. 

Over the next 15 days, January 17-31, 2023, you will reduce your carbon footprint, make fewer trips to the store, reduce waste, and save money. And, even better, when you combine your success with everyone else participating in the challenge, those sustainability wins add up!

To kick things off on Day 1, try using your reusable water bottle or coffee cup instead of single-use plastic throughout your day. Americans use and throw away up to 4 single-use beverage containers daily. If you keep up this pretty doable action, you could reduce your carbon emissions by 231 metric pounds and reduce your single-use plastic waste by 720 bottles or more this year. Now this is the type of slimming down that benefits you and the planet. Your cheering section just grew louder.

Here is the calendar of joyful changes to make during this challenge.
January 15-day Sustainability Challenge Calendar
Tracking your actions is as important as taking action.

If you haven’t yet, be sure to download our free app and use it to track your impact during this challenge. If you are already using the One Planet Life app, you can follow your current journey during this challenge and track any joyful change each day.  The goal of the challenge is to take daily action and track it to build lifelong habits toward more sustainable living,