No-Waste Composting: Small-Space Waste Recycling Indoors and Out

Written by Michelle Balz



Want to start composting, but don’t know where to start?  We recommend No-Waste Composting by Michelle Balz, a quick read which explains the science behind composting and its vital microorganisms, the basic rules you need to follow to compost successfully, and several different methods to compost (even if you don’t have a backyard!).

In addition to providing valuable information about composting, Balz provides ten detailed composting DIY projects, many of which are made with recycled materials.  Her projects range from simple items like crafting newspaper liners to neatly wrap up food scraps to creating your own composter from old pickle barrels or trash cans.  Balz also offers several descriptions for larger outdoor composting, complete with space and material requirements and plenty of pictures.

The chapter that most interested me, however, was the one that shared three methods for composting on a small terrace, balcony, or patio.  I learned more about vermicomposting (composting with the help of worms) as well as terra-cotta composting and bokashi pre-composting.  As someone who lives in close quarters with my neighbors, I was curious to understand if odor-free composting was possible, and Balz’ succinct, informative book gave me the confidence to give it a try.

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