
We believe that simple and joyful changes made by many individuals will result in positive and joyful changes for many and for the planet.  Our posts are focused on topics related to how we can improve our quality of life and protect the planet.  One Planet Life is dedicated to you, me, we and our living planet.

Urban Composting is Possible!

Urban Composting is Possible!

In the United States approximately 100 million tons of food waste are generated each year. Food waste seems senseless when nature has such a great way to regenerate the waste into nutrients for the soil. My urban composting journey began with a couple of clicks.

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Comforting and Healthy Recipes to Enjoy All Winter Long

Comforting and Healthy Recipes to Enjoy All Winter Long

Winter is a great time to experiment with new delicious and healthy plant-based recipes. Baby, it’s cold outside!  The winter months are an excellent time for stillness, reflection, rest, and rejuvenation. Nourishing your body with healthy, warm, comforting foods will...

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Composting Champs: US Cities and States Leading the Way

Composting Champs: US Cities and States Leading the Way

Cities and states across America have recognized that diverting organic waste from landfills can have massive climate benefits as well as provide valuable compost for agricultural or community use.  Americans are the biggest trash producers in the world, creating...

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